Are You Wasting Time On a “Willy Sellmore”?

A laptop and phone sitting on top of a wooden table.

Not long after I became a sales manager, I inherited a second team from a manager who was “de-hired” as the saying now goes. On this inherited team, there was one rep who was a chronic underperformer, never reaching quota and seemingly not very interested in improving. Every month, I’d think to myself, “Will he … Read full article

3 Essential Habits of a Great Sales Coach

A man in a suit and tie holding a cell phone.

One question I ask in all my seminars is “what is ineffective sales coaching?” Participants have no trouble coming up with lots of examples. They talk about managers who wait too long before addressing a problem, those who do all the talking and no listening, and those who do not attempt to gain buy-in for … Read full article

3 Essential Steps For Improving Attitudes On Your Sales Team

A person sitting at a table with two laptops.

As I wrote about last week, the majority of sales managers recognize the importance of attitude or “wills” in determining sales rep success. But few have been taught how to identify, evaluate, and coach attitudes. Here are three steps that are essential for moving in that direction. Step 1: Identify the behavioral aspects of a … Read full article

Giving Sales Rep Attitude Its Due

A person wearing a smart watch in the arm of another person.

Last year, I delivered a webinar to combined audiences of 295 sales managers. One of the poll questions I asked was “what percentage of your performance problems do you think are due to poor attitude or ”˜wills’?” The most common answer by far was “50-75%”— and overall, nearly 3/4s of the audience attributed a significant … Read full article

The Single Most Valuable Contribution of a Sales Manager

A woman walking in front of a window with her phone.

If I asked you what was the most valuable contribution you could make as a sales manager, what would you say? A client of mine, Jackie, spent years developing into a stellar sales rep for her employer, a tech company. She had a well-earned reputation for producing results far beyond expectations. They duly rewarded her … Read full article

Are You Making These Top 3 Sales Coaching Mistakes?

A pen and paper on top of a table.

We all have made mistakes as sales managers. Yet, there are certain sales coaching mistakes that I hear about time and again in my sales management workshops, mistakes that are damaging to team performance. Sales managers make these costly mistakes because they lack an understanding of how managing and leading a sales team requires a … Read full article