Sales Training Tips for Better Performance

Listen to others. Listening shows respect… that people and their ideas are important to you. When people know you’re willing to listen, they will share their ideas as well as their frustrations. Listening enables you to build trust, which is essential for creating an elite, high-performance team. Clarify your expectations. Meet with your individual sales … Read full article

Motivating Your Sales Team

Get in the habit of inviting team members to challenge your ideas. Encourage them to constructively (and positively) criticize your plans. Make it okay for people to disagree with you. This lets people know you value their input, and ensures that implemented ideas will be well thought out. By giving your sales people permission to … Read full article

Sales Management Leadership Seminar

Sales Management Leadership Seminar: July 14-15, 2010 Does your company have one or two sales managers who would benefit by learning new skills to develop an elite, hi-performance sales team? Just nine seats are still available for our next open enrollment Sales Management Leadership workshop at the Peppermill Hotel in Reno, Nevada. This session will … Read full article

Diagnose Sales Skill Deficiencies

A similar questioning track can help you, the sales coach, diagnose sales skill deficiencies. For example, you could debrief a rep’s first meeting with a prospective customer by asking the salesperson: What problems does that customer have that we can solve? Why is the customer experiencing these problems? What will happen to the customer if … Read full article

Sales Managers Coach too Fast

Most sales managers coach too fast. When coaching, we don’t help sales people find their own answers. Managing a sales team is a much different set of skills than selling, but in at least one respect, the same skills which helped you become a great salesperson can, when applied, help you become a more effective … Read full article

Identify Client Expectations in Sales

Cure questions help you identify your prospects’ expectations of value. In other words, is the solution you offer, and its associated cost, worthwhile in the prospects’ mind? Have you demonstrated need and built sufficient discontent within the prospect to justify the cure? Examples of Cure Questions: Suppose you could (fill-in-the-blank). What would that enable you … Read full article

Anticipate the Performance of Your Sales Team

Here’s a common scenario being played out in hundreds of corporate offices every day. A salesperson suffers a bad month, so in swoops the sales manager. The necessary sales training and encouragement is given and voila! – the sales rep is sent back out to reverse their fortunes. But is this what the top 1% … Read full article

TopLine Leadership’s COACH Sales Model

At TopLine Leadership, our coaching model actually is in the form, in the acronym, the word coach: C-O-A-C-H. At the center of the process is Commitment. It’s commitment both on the sales manager’s part and also on the sales person’s part as well. That’s the center focus. If we don’t have commitment on both ends, … Read full article

What are your Sales Coaching strengths

What are your Sales Coaching strengths? Areas to improve? There’s something I want you to do: define what your sales coaching strengths are, and what coaching areas should you improve? Next, I want you to tell one other person in your organization, two of your coaching strengths, two things that you do really well. One … Read full article

3-Day Sales Training Seminar

We are now offering a 3-Day Sales Training Seminar! This sales seminar will help you Sell More & Sell Faster. By attending our sales training seminar, salespeople will sell more profitable solutions and increase their win-ratio. Our sales training programs are designed to help your sales team to think and feel like a customer. Learn … Read full article