Sales Training for Peak Performers

Are your peak performers as committed to your company today as they were 18 months ago when the job market was much more difficult? Recent research found that today’s peak performers are twice as likely to have plans to quit and move on than they were in 2008. So, take time to check in with … Read full article

Sales Skills to Master in Sales Training

In a complex sale, the vast majority of the sale takes place when you’re not there, when individuals on the buying team communicate with each other. Therefore, you want the people on a Complex Buying Team to be selling you to each other. And that requires that you learn how to identify and deal with … Read full article

Sales and Sales Management Training from TopLine Leadership

Since 1989, TopLine Leadership has provided custom sales training and sales management development programs. We serve clients from diverse sectors. Our sales training clients want a new approach to consultative selling,that of selling based on how their customers buy. Our clients want their salespeople to sell in a way that’s much different than how their … Read full article

Business To Business Selling Tip

During the sales presentation, and immediately after, disagreements between decision makers can surface due to differences in opinion on what is important, different interpretations of the criteria, and different impressions of the various suppliers who made presentations. The more decision makers who are involved in the sale, the more difficult it is for them to … Read full article

How Do Your Customers Buy

I’ve been delivering sales seminars for more than 20 years and had a decade of sales and sales management experience before that. When I ask salespeople to tell me how they sell, they rattle off the steps of their sales process. When I ask how their customers buy, they’re stumped. They give me a lot … Read full article

Sales Training

While it’s important to understand why and how people buy, that’s not enough to automatically help you win more sales. You also need to have a plan that addresses what’s most important to each decision maker at each step of their buying process.

Excerpt from the Sales Book Slow Down Sell Faster

Recently I was retained by a regional VP of sales for a large financial institution to evaluate the effectiveness of his team’s sale of investment advisory services provided to high-net-worth customers. He asked me to be a “mystery shopper,” and at his request, I met with one of his salespeople while posing as a high-net-worth … Read full article

Sales Training Tip for In Person Cold Calls

For years, I recommended doing in-person cold calls because I personally found them very effective. But times have changed and in-person cold calls absolutely do not work in many settings because of security measures. Often you will simply not be able to get in the door. However, if your “beat” includes offices where you can … Read full article

Slow Down Sell Faster Book Reviews Top 500 Reviewer: John Chancellor says… “In a number of ways this book takes a counterintuitive approach to selling. But as you read and understand the concepts behind Slow Down, Sell Faster you realize this approach is much more effective. The book is extremely well written and very easy to read.” Additional Reader Reviews … Read full article

Selling Tactics for Business to Business Sales

It’s important that you not jump into talking about all the selling points of your product or service. The temptation to jump ahead is so tempting that I want to emphasize again it’s still too soon to begin “the pitch.” Until you have helped your customer define an effective solution for their needs or opportunities, … Read full article