Define Sales Performance Standards

As a salesperson, you have a clear understanding of the sales quota results expected of you, but you’re unsure exactly how to produce those results. So you do what you think you should. You “make it up on the fly.” Then, because nobody tells you you’re doing it wrong you assume it is acceptable behavior. … Read full article

Manage Behaviors and Activities

Many of us sales managers try to manage results. We wait until our sales rep has a bad month before we decide to get involved in “coaching” them. Then, when a rep produces a bad month, we rush over and smother them with our sales coaching trying to get their production back up quickly. Sales … Read full article

Sales Training to Improve Sales Skills

Think of your top salesperson… what specific behaviors does he/she do that contributes to sales success? For example, “makes at least five new business prospecting calls every day.” Then, what attitudinal qualities does he/she have which contributes to success? For example, “attempts to solve problems before seeking help.” Make a list of behaviors and activities … Read full article

Effective Sales Coaches Must Close the Sale

While delivering our Sales Management Leadership workshop recently, a medical equipment sales manager in the audience raised his hand and said, “I see myself as more of a “player-coach.” I asked him to elaborate. He went on to share a recent example when he was working with one of his more productive and experienced salespeople. … Read full article

Sales Training Seminar SOLD OUT

Our August 10-12 “Getting Into Your Customer’s Head” sales training seminar is now sold out. Please contact us regarding future dates and locations.

Great Salespeople Help their Customers Learn

When you view a signed deal from the customer’s point of view, you are ready to engage Sales Role #7: The Teacher. At this stage, you teach your customer how to achieve maximum value from the new product or service you have provided. Don’t expect that one training session with a few end-users will be … Read full article

Questions to ask in your Sales Training Process

Is it easier to sell to a current customer or to a brand new prospect? Do satisfied customers hammer you on price as much as new customers? Do dissatisfied customers provide referrals? Do you enjoy spending time with dissatisfied customers? You know the answers to these questions! If you are having problems, it’s time to … Read full article

Closing the Deal is Just the Beginning

Your prospect signed on the dotted line! All your hard work… the sales calls, the meetings, the sales presentations… it’s a done deal! No it isn’t!!! Have you ever noticed your customers who are the most enthusiastic and pleased on day one are the most likely to suddenly be dissatisfied on day two? What precipitates … Read full article

Make a Good Impression and Close More Sales

People in sales should know the importance of making a good impression: without it you can’t earn the right to do business with people. Each customer contact provides us as sales people the opportunity to make a good impression. Remember the maxim in sales and marketing: the prospect must be touched five to ten times … Read full article

Create a Culture of Accountability within Your Sales Team

Inexperienced sales managers assume that if they solve the problems salespeople bring to them then sales reps will automatically sell more. Not true. Sales managers must expect salespeople to solve their own problems instead of doing their thinking for them. When a salesperson comes to the manager with “a monkey on his back” it is … Read full article