Why You Should Choose TopLine Leadership for Sales Training

My sales career began 30 years ago selling office equipment for Lanier, something like the “Marine Corps” of business-to-business sales. I’d take the elevator to the top floor of an office building and cold call my way down to the lobby. I was taught to walk into an office and ask to see the General … Read full article

Redefine Sales Training

Years ago I was selling an office equipment solution to the CEO of a 100-person company. I was selling to him the way I had been taught: I established comfortable conversation while building trust, asked questions to diagnose his needs, then presented my solution as an answer to his needs. Everything, seemingly, appeared to be … Read full article

Ask Your Current Clients for Business

People who recently bought from you after scouting the competition are a rich source of information. It’s worth talking to them to see what they can tell you about how your product or service compares to the rest of the market. Ask them if they would explain why they chose you, what strengths they perceived. … Read full article

Negotiating Power in the Sales Process

Negotiating power plays a major role in every type of sales negotiation, whether it’s a labor negotiation, political negotiation, or a buy-sell negotiation. Both the buyer and the seller have power in a negotiation. Power is each side’s perception of its strength or weakness in comparison to the other. This perception of power affects the … Read full article

The Importance of a Common Sales Language

In this time of economic struggle, creating a unified sales force with a common sales language and single sales message becomes imperative if your company is to achieve its goals. When you bring together different sales cultures and levels of sophistication within a newly-merged organization the result is often reduced sales, erosion of trust with … Read full article

Sales Advice from Lou Holtz

Words of Wisdom from Lou Holtz You must understand they every person you will meet for the rest of your life will ask three questions. Every customer, every spouse and child is going to ask these three questions. It is absolutely imperative that you be able to answer “yes” to each of these three questions. … Read full article

The True Professional Salesperson

What you are capable of doing is determined by your talent. What you do is determined by your motivation. But how productive you are and how close you come to realizing your true potential will always be determined by the attitude you have. We can’t control what is going to happen to us but I … Read full article

Sales Team Motivation Starts at the Top

Look for opportunities to show interest in all team members. Ask about their life outside of work. Make an effort to learn about their families, their hobbies, their recent vacation, etc. Inquire but never pry. Keep track of names, dates, and events that are important to them, such as birthdays and anniversaries of employment with … Read full article

Tips for Hiring the Best Sales People

Involve your best sales people in hiring decisions. Ask team members to participate in interviewing new-hire candidates, when appropriate. This gives your producer a say in how the team works – a significant involvement in something that truly matters. Make sure you provide pre-training on effective interviewing. Such preparation not only gives team members a … Read full article

Leadership Training for Sales People

The best Sales Managers turn failures into teaching lessons. A failure is a failure only when we don’t learn from it. When people make mistakes, encourage them to share their experiences in order to help others avoid similar problems. This can be a great motivational tool because you focus on learning rather than assigning blame. … Read full article