5 Ways to Measure the Performance of a Sales Manager

A group of people standing on top of steps.

This article provides specific and practical techniques for measuring the performance of your company’s sales managers. Perhaps no position in the sales organization has less accountability than the sales manager position—in part because many companies don’t know how to measure sales manager performance. For example, the primary (and sometimes only) metric most companies use to … Read full article

Building a Winning Sales Organization in 2021

A yellow sticky note with the words " 2 0 2 1 plan ".

The beginning of the new year is the perfect time for sales managers to make plans to achieve breakthrough sales performance in 2021. One year ago you had strategies for success, but then the pandemic hit, and everything changed. Like everyone else, you probably spent the year “dancing on a shifting carpet” to make your … Read full article

5 Sales Coaching Strategies for Maximizing 2020 Sales

A blue and white icon with an arrow going up.

Read this article to discover 5 sales coaching strategies for maximizing  2020 sales. Good, structured sales coaching has been found to increase win-rates by as much as 30%. High-quality sales coaching helps your salespeople better understand each sales opportunity, identify gaps in their thinking or approach, and develop more skillful plans of action. Here are … Read full article

How Remote Sales Managers Can Avoid Destroying Team Morale

A person holding a magnifying glass next to a laptop.

For remote sales managers, this article describes three things you can do to improve the quality of your remote sales coaching. Better quality sales coaching is the key to improving your team’s morale. One of the biggest fears that salespeople have with a remote sales manager is the fear of being micromanaged. According to the … Read full article

Book Review: “Selling is Hard, Buying is Harder”

A book cover with the title " selling is hard, buying is harder ".

“Selling is Hard, Buying is Harder” by Garin Hess. A counter-intuitive sales book that delivers solid how-to’s According to author Garin Hess, the key to success in sales is for salespeople to take charge of the buying process in order to help your customer sell for you. That’s a real role reversal. This book shares … Read full article

3 Tips for Hiring A Coachable Salesperson

A woman holding an open laptop in her hands.

This article describes how to hire a coachable salesperson. Here are the tangible qualities that sales managers should look for during the interview process to accurately predict whether or not a sales candidate will be coachable. When hiring a salesperson, sales managers are increasingly telling me that they’re paying more attention to “coachability” — mostly … Read full article

7 Powerful Sales Questions for Winning More Deals

A man in green suit and white shirt holding up a question mark.

This article provides seven powerful sales questions along with the reasons why you should ask them. These questions can help you expand customer needs, shift your prospect’s focus from price to value and improve your understanding of the buyer’s thinking. The questions you ask your prospects are more important than anything you say. Here are … Read full article