Sales Managers must get Involved Early in the Sales Process

In sales management, most sales managers focus on the “Close” part of the sales process because that is where problems/mistakes rear their ugly heads. A sure thing sale suddenly goes “silent.” The prospect decides to check out other vendors. Everybody panics”¦ and that’s when the sale manager steps in to try to close the sale. … Read full article

Sales Managers Must Learn to Coach their Sales Team

I have reviewed many sales manager job descriptions over the years. Recently I was retained by a Fortune 500 company to examine their job description for the sales manager position. Fully 85 percent of the duties were directly linked to coaching salespeople. After this review, I conducted face-to-face interviews with a number of the sales … Read full article

Keys to Managing Time in Sales Management

In sales management, many managers face a lot of distractions. Often times, the first thing to go out the window is developmental coaching… time spent helping salespeople improve their skills (not just closing one sale). These sales managers haven’t observed their salespeople selling, or intervened at key points of the sales process, so when a … Read full article

Sales Management

Based on my contact with thousands of sales managers over the past 30 years, one of the most common mistakes I see is sales managers who spend most of their time with either their poorest performers or their top producers. Focusing on the poorest performers is misguided. Suppose your coaching efforts result in a 10% … Read full article

Selling Customers and Coaching Salespeople

There are many similarities between selling customers and coaching salespeople. Both require understanding another’s problems, diagnosing the cause of that problem and helping the other person to understand the complications/ripple effects if they don’t solve the problem. Sales managers already possess many of the abilities that they need to become a great sales coach—but habit … Read full article

Get More Sales from Coaching Reps in Less Time

A quick, easy, and straightforward way to measure your sales team is to rate each rep on a scale of 1 to 5 on two different factors: Competence to sell and willingness to be coached. Given that your time for proactive developmental sales coaching is limited, you want to focus 1-on-1 coaching on the salespeople … Read full article

Sales Management Application Tools for your Sales Team

The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action. That’s why our sales management training program features 29 application tools which can be easily customized to your unique industry and business needs. When you attend our sales management training seminar you learn many valuable things. When you arrive back on the job, it is … Read full article

Emphasize Developmental Sales Coaching

Instead of just evaluative coaching, our sales management training program helps your company to install a culture of developmental coaching. Evaluative coaching happens when a sales manager looks at what a salesperson has done (or not done), such as what occurs during many performance reviews. Developmental coaching looks to the future. The focus and intent … Read full article

Get a Complete Sales Management Training Solution

Our sales management training program is more comprehensive than other sales management training programs. Other sales management training companies focus on a few aspects of the sales managers’ role, such as how to coach the sales process and how to hire salespeople. While our sales management training program also includes these necessary modules, we provide … Read full article

Manage Your Time Effectively

Untrained sales managers become buried in “stuff” work, reactive fire-fighting, feeling overwhelmed. They’re working harder than ever, but unable to catch up. Untrained sales managers have no time for what should be their #1 priority, sales coaching—no time to teach his or her talents, skills and energies to those individuals on the team who need … Read full article