What Makes a Great Sales Coach?

A man in a suit sitting at a desk

While being a good coach might not be a bad thing, a positive trend that I’m seeing in the sales managers with whom I work is an aspiration for greatness. Here are five key traits that separate a good coach from a great one. 1) External focus – While a good sales coach has a … Read full article

Five Presidential Attributes Every Sales Manager Needs

A podium with the presidential seal on it.

We are currently embroiled in a divisive election where each candidate harshly criticizes the weaknesses of the other. For a refreshing change, I decided to revisit the leadership attributes possessed by arguably our greatest president — Abraham Lincoln — and discuss why a few of Lincoln’s skills are so important for today’s sales managers to … Read full article

Upgrade the Attitude of Your Sales Team Now!

A group of yellow balls with faces on them.

What is the sales performance problem? In a webinar I gave recently, 75% of the 150+ sales managers who attended indicated that a significant portion of the performance issues they face on their team are due to bad rep attitudes—or what I call a sales rep’s “willingness problems†(to contrast them with “skill deficienciesâ€). Why … Read full article

Does Your Sales Team Need “More Cowbell”?

A close up of an old bell on a white background

Recently I watched the famous Saturday Night Live skit “More Cowbell,†one of the Top 10 best skits of all time on SNL. It originally aired on April 8, 2000 and if you haven’t seen it lately or at all, watch it here. The skit was a spoof on what was offered up as the … Read full article

What Sales Managers Can Learn from a Great Basketball Coach

A man in a suit and tie walking across the street.

Like many people, I couldn’t help but follow the exploits of the Villanova Wildcats in the most recent NCAA basketball tournament. And along with the rest of America, I was thrilled by the last-second 3-point shot that won Villanova the national championship. Their achievement impressed me so much that I decided to study up on … Read full article

Why Many Top Salespeople Don’t Get Better

A calendar with the words change your behavior written on it.

Whenever I ask sales managers to describe their approach to coaching their highest producers, they almost uniformly have the same answer: hands-off! They tell me: “I may get involved when a big deal is nearing to close, but otherwise if a peak producer is doing well, why would I want to mess with a good … Read full article