TopLine Leadership Releases The Biggest Sales Mistake

“The Single Biggest Sales Mistake” Identify the 4 Stages of Buying to Increase Sales September 19, 2011 – Reno, NV – More companies are increasing the quotas for sales people while win rates on new business are at an all-time low. Meanwhile, sales people are faced with an ever-changing landscape including increased product offerings from … Read full article

How to Manage a Prima Donna

Most sales managers I know have a love-hate relationship with the prima donnas on their sales teams. They love the star player’s passion and hard work. They hate the self-centered behaviors that demoralize or discourage the rest of the team. This puts the sales manager in a quandary. If they come down too hard, the … Read full article

Are You Creating Prima Donnas on Your Team?

I published an article early in 2011 about dealing with prima donna salespeople, and got a lot of feedback that the article was very popular online. One of the issues I pointed out in that article is that we sales managers often have a part in creating the prima donnas in the first place. How? … Read full article

3 Questions for Your Next Perfomance Review

If you’re like most sales managers, you’ve either just completed a round of quarterly reviews or have some just around the corner. Here are three questions you should ask each of your salespeople during your next one-on-one: 1. What are you getting from me that you like and find helpful? 2. What are you getting … Read full article

TopLine Leadership Releases New Train-the -Trainer Sales Development Workshop

NEWS RELEASE –August 31st– Reno, NV -     Topline Leadership, Inc. is announcing the release of a train-the-trainer program to accompany its innovative Slow Down, Sell Faster™ sales training.   “Every salesperson today is being urged to make more sales faster,” says Kevin Davis, president of TopLine Leadership and author of the new Slow Down, Sell … Read full article

Sales Training Tip #2

Don’t just dance with the one who brung ya! Most major purchasing decisions these days are made by a team of people. You can hit a lot of speed bumps if all your knowledge comes from only one customer contact. Identify all the decision makers on the buying team. Ask your contact, “What other key … Read full article

Sales Training Tip #1

Avoid talking too soon about your solution. That just gives your competitors an edge because the customer is likely in the middle of their buying process. Essentially, you reach the end of your sales process just as the customer arrives at the point when they start comparison shopping. Instead, early in the sales process get … Read full article

Sales Training for Success

It’s becoming harder and harder to differentiate yourself based on what you sell because products and services are becoming increasingly alike. Today’s most successful salespeople and organizations know they need to stand out based on how they sell. Salespeople who slow down each sales conversation end up spending more time with each prospect. Now, when … Read full article

Sales Training To Value Your Solution

Are your customers undervaluing your solution? I’ll assume that you set a fair price for the solution you offer to your customers. If they spend a lot of time trying to negotiate that price down, then the real issue may be that they don’t value your solution enough. That’s a problem that’s your fault, not … Read full article

New Sales Training Program

TopLine Leadership Releases New Slow Down, Sell Faster! Sales Training Program TopLine Leadership is releasing a new sales program based on their groundbreaking sales model that teaches sales people how to get in sync with customer buying. Slow Down, Sell Faster gives salespeople an easy-to-use model for adjusting their sales behavior so they can connect … Read full article