I just completed reading an informative article from MIT’s Sloan Management Review titled, “Why Leadership Development Efforts Fail.” The article states that too often companies go out looking for the next leadership fad – for example, the author of the newest book on the business bestseller list – and then they end up with a program that is disconnected to their own unique business needs and issues.
The solution, according to the article’s authors, is to invest in processes first, not products. Has your company defined what sales and sales management process looks like? By first establishing your process framework, you can then move on to selecting the program which is the best match for teaching the skills your managers need to effectively implement the process.
To meet this need of process excellence, we at TopLine Leadership offer a “JABS” session. This is a one-day “job analysis branstorm session” where a select few experts within your company define what excellent sales or sales management looks like at your company. If you have any questions about our JABS session, drop me an email a [email protected]/01_Topline/