What Makes a Great Sales Coach?

A man in a suit sitting at a desk

While being a good coach might not be a bad thing, a positive trend that I’m seeing in the sales managers with whom I work is an aspiration for greatness. Here are five key traits that separate a good coach from a great one. 1) External focus – While a good sales coach has a … Read full article

3 Tips for Hiring Great Salespeople

A group of people sitting down looking at their phones.

With the New Year just around the corner, many sales managers are thinking about what they can do to improve team performance in 2017. And for many, the answer lies in hiring new people. Every experienced sales manager knows that a bad hiring decision is costly in many ways. If you hire the wrong person, … Read full article

Five Presidential Attributes Every Sales Manager Needs

A podium with the presidential seal on it.

We are currently embroiled in a divisive election where each candidate harshly criticizes the weaknesses of the other. For a refreshing change, I decided to revisit the leadership attributes possessed by arguably our greatest president — Abraham Lincoln — and discuss why a few of Lincoln’s skills are so important for today’s sales managers to … Read full article

What Sales Managers Can Learn from a Great Basketball Coach

A man in a suit and tie walking across the street.

Like many people, I couldn’t help but follow the exploits of the Villanova Wildcats in the most recent NCAA basketball tournament. And along with the rest of America, I was thrilled by the last-second 3-point shot that won Villanova the national championship. Their achievement impressed me so much that I decided to study up on … Read full article

Confronting an Under-Performing Sales Rep

Every sales coaching workshop that I deliver I ask sales managers, “How many of you have a performance problem with a sales rep that is just unacceptable, and you know you need to address the situation?†Everyone raises their hand. Then I ask, “How long have you known this?†The answer I hear is often … Read full article

Scratch Beneath the Surface to Make Better Hiring Decisions

Talented salespeople can make big things happen for you and your company. Perhaps there is no more important decision that a sales manager makes than the decision to hire a new salesperson. One new-hire can change the entire culture of your sales team – for better or for worse. Tweaking the standard interview questions to … Read full article

To Become a Better Sales Coach You Need to Think Differently

Have you ever considered what made you successful when you were a salesperson? You were, and still likely are, action-oriented, decisive, and adept at problem solving. These sales attributes were rewarded as a salesperson – and then you got promoted and everything changed. Except – perhaps – you. Now I ask you to consider – … Read full article