Sales Management Training: Ideas to Motivate Your Team, Part III

Have an important decision to make? Let the team decide!

Or at least invite them to consult with you. They are, after all, the ones who will feel the impact the most. Besides, you’ll probably end up with a better decision – one that team members will support because they helped make it.

A Crash course on motivation:

Words that motivate others

  • “That’s an honest mistake. Let’s focus on what we’ve learned”
  • “Let me pass along what I have learned”
  • “I’m really glad you’re here”
  • “You did a great job because…”
  • “What do YOU think?”

Manage your negative emotions and anger.

Nothing can be more damaging to team morale than losing your temper in a group setting. The next time you feel angry do one of the following: take a deep breath and count to ten; take a walk outside; or simply go back to your work station and look at a prized photograph. No matter how angry you become, keep it inside.

Follow up on agreements.

When someone commits to do something by a certain date, make sure you follow up on it. If it’s done, recognize the achievement. If it’s not complete, find out why, and see what you can do to help it reach completion. You boost morale when your bias is to help rather than discipline!

Look for opportunities to show interest in all team members.

Ask about their life outside of work. Make an effort to learn about their families, their hobbies, their recent vacation, etc. Inquire but never pry. Keep track of names, dates, and events that are important to them, such as birthdays and anniversaries of employment with your company. Showing your team that you care about them as people is one more way to build team sprit. When the sprit is strong, the motivation follows right along.

Invite your boss into the recognition process.

Next time someone on your team does something really special, tell your manager. Ask him or her to write a note to that person. Not only does this make the employee feel good, but it also keeps the boss informed of the good work being done by people in his or her area.

Always tell people “why†something to be done is important.

There’s a much better chance that people will be motivated and give their enthusiastic support if they understand reason behind a goal, assignment or decision.

This is the 3rd blog post in our 5 part series focusing on motivating your team through sales management training.

Click here to read the first post in the series.

Click here to read the second post in the series.

Click here to read the third post in the series.

Click here to read the forth post in the series.

Click here to read the fifth post in the series.

Kevin Davis

Kevin F. Davis is the author of The Sales Manager’s Guide to Greatness”, which was named the 2018 Axiom Business Book Award Winner, Silver Medal. Kevin is also the author of Slow Down, Sell Faster!”.