New Sales Book by Kevin Davis Gets 5 Star Review

John Chancellor, a noted independant reviewer of business books on, recently read an advance copy of Kevin Davis’s new book “Slow Down, Sell Faster!” He gives the book “5 Stars”, the highest possible rating. Here, in part, is his review:

“In a number of ways this book takes a counterintuitive approach to selling. But as you read and understand the concepts behind Slow Down, Sell Faster you realize this approach is much more effective.

The central theme to this process is to slow down, understand and align with where the buyer is. You must put yourself in the buyer’s position if you want to really understand and connect with the buyer.

The book is extremely well written and very easy to read. It is clear that the book is based on the author’s vast experience in sales and sales training. There are a number of extremely valuable questions contained in each section of the book. If you just made a cheat sheet of the questions to ask and asked them at the appropriate time in the sales process, your results would improve dramatically.” is now accepting pre-orders for Slow Down, Sell Faster!Order your copy today!

Please visit for more information, and to download Chapter 1 of Kevin’s new book.

Kevin Davis

Kevin F. Davis is the author of The Sales Manager’s Guide to Greatness”, which was named the 2018 Axiom Business Book Award Winner, Silver Medal. Kevin is also the author of Slow Down, Sell Faster!”.