Win-Win Negotiating Skills

Negotiate Price Late in the Sales Process, Never Early There is no reason to discuss price until buying desire has been aroused. If you customer doesn’t need it, any price is too high. Discuss price only when buyers recognize what they need and why the need it. Lowering price does not necessarily make a product … Read full article

Your Customer’s Sixth Step: Commitment

Throughout the first five steps of the buy-learning process, your prospects’ focus has been on achieving value. They have examined their problems, determined the problems’ seriousness, and examined the alternatives. They have a well-defined expectation of value because their attention has been on the benefits they will enjoy by purchasing. Now, in Step 6, Commitment, … Read full article

Asking for Commitment in the Sales Process

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Advanced Sales Techniques for Salespeople and Sales Managers

Many salespeople are not getting inside the buyer’s mind. Too often, salespeople focus on their sales processes and objectives, without carefully considering how people make purchase decisions. Consequently, salespeople proceed too quickly: they push. Buyers hate “pushy” salespeople. Pushy salespeople reap a huge harvest of objections from buyers. The sales process then becomes a struggle … Read full article